Woodbury Mayor and Board of Alderman Move Agenda Forward

A second public hearing on the proposed annexation by owner consent for property owned by Cole Reed, Kendall Smith and Mike Hutchins. The property is located off Old McMinnville Highway. No objections were heard over the annexation. 
The second reading to consider adoption of Resolution 219-02, a resolution to annex certain territory upon written consent of the owners to incorporate the same within the boundaries of the City of Woodbury.  The property owned by Cole Reed, Kendal Smith, and Mike Hutchins was approved
Consider adoption of Ordinance to amend Title 12 of the Woodbury Municipal Code to address commercial building permits and regulations on first reading.   The ordinance was was approved.
Mathew Tucker presented Contract 319 WTP piping and basin painting and repairs. On May 2nd, bids were received for the project. All bids were sealed with proper documentation and no irregularities were apparent at the bid opening. Also the lowest and best bid is within the estimated project budget. Based on evaluation the recommendation was to award contract 319 to Commercial Painting Inc. from Nashville in the amount of $118,500.00.
Mayor Duggin moved to re-appoint Buddy Davenport to the Woodbury Housing Authority board for a five year term expiring March 31 2024. Alderman approved the action.
Alderman reviewed a request to approve the use of Dillon Park as the assembly area for a 5K Run. The run will serve as a fundraiser for the Child Advocacy Center of Cannon County.  Proposed date for the event is slated for June 8th. The race time will begin at 7:30 am and is expected to be done by 9:00am. ayor and Board of Alderman approved use of the park and street closures.
Mathew Tucker presented Contract 319 WTP piping and basin painting and repairs.
On May 2nd, bids were received for the project. All bids were sealed with proper documentation and no irregularities were apparent at the bid opening. Also the lowest and best bid is within the estimated project budget. Based on evaluation the recommendation was to award contract 319 to Commercial Painting Inc. from Nashville in the amount of $118,500.00.