The Woodbury Lions Club will kick off their annual Pecan Sale on Friday. For sale this year will be pecan halves, walnuts, fruit and nut mix and cashews. Lion Clyde Bush, chairman of the sale, stated that he was able to secure this year’s crop of pecans which is the best crop in several years. All this products will be available at the following locations Jennings Jewelers, Vance Bros Car Lot, Farmers Co-op, Rite Aid Pharmacy, County Court Clerks Office, Cannon County Senior Center, Dr. Trea Wessel’s Office, First Bank, Paul Reed’s Furniture Store, First National Bank, Regions Bank, Woodbury Funeral Home, Woodson’s Pharmacy, Cutting Edge Salon and any Lions Club Member.
For more information call Clyde Bush at 615-563-2102 or Mark Vance at 615-563-6800