Woodbury Aldermen With Several Activities To Approve Use Of Various Facilities During Tonight’s Meeting

The Woodbury Aldermen will have several upcoming events to approve use of various town facilities for approval during tonight’s regular monthly meeting of the Woodbury Mayor and Board.  On the agenda will be to consider approval of the Cannon County Good Ole Days Parade May 16th.  Consider approval of Cannon County Good Ole Days 5K Run May 16th.  Patti Chappel will come before the board to seek approval of Dillon Park for the Summer Reading Program.  The Woodbury Nursing Center will seek approval for a block party on May 7th. Other items on the agenda include a consideration of approval for a one year leave of absence for City Judge Richard Northcutt.  Consisder appointment of interim city judge and Mr. Tim Bell with the Cannon County Rescue Squad will address the board.  The meeting starts tonight at 7:00 at the Nolan Dude Northcutt Building formerly known as City Hall.