Woodbury City Hall will be closed tomorrow. Our service crews will be available for any emergencies. Please call 563-2388 for emergency service. Cannon County Schools will be closed Tuesday and the Cannon County Library System is also closed Tuesday. The Cannon County Courthouse is also closed on Tuesday. The meeting of the Woodbury Planning Commission scheduled for Tuesday night has been cancelled. Motlow State Community College announces all campus sites are closed Tuesday. Staff will not report to work. Cannon County Convenience Center Is Closed Tuesday. Woodbury Trash Route will be run as normal. District 8-AA Basketball Tournaments have been called off tonight and they will be rescheduled for Thursday. First National Bank Of Woodbury will close at 3:00
Tennessee has not received the predicted snowfall amounts from the cold front that settled in the state overnight Sunday. However, there has been widespread sleet, freezing rain and ice making travel on Interstates and roadways treacherous. The National Weather Service continues to show snow in the forecast and temperatures will not be above freezing before the weekend.
Tennessee State Agencies are advising caution when driving in the state and urging people to avoid unnecessary travel as the southern part of the state remains under an Ice Storm Warning. Other areas of Tennessee are still under either a Winter Storm Warning or Winter Weather Advisory.
We have placed all Tennessee Highway Patrol strike teams on standby so troopers will not only be ready to respond to roadside emergencies and crashes, they will also be prepared to assist local emergency management officials and first responders, if necessary,” Safety and Homeland Security Commissioner Bill Gibbons said.
Some reminders for motorists who must travel under severe winter weather conditions:
Call 511 before traveling into areas affected by severe winter weather for updates from TDOT on hazardous roadway conditions.
Call *THP (*847) from any mobile phone if your vehicle gets stranded to be connected to the closest Tennessee Highway Patrol dispatcher who can send help.
Call 911 in the event of an emergency.If your vehicle becomes stranded or you are involved in an accident, stay with your vehicle until help arrives.
Monitor local radio and television broadcasts, and NOAA Weather Radio, for updates on weather conditions.
Travel with emergency supplies, including blankets, water, a windshield scraper, a flash light with fresh batteries, jumper cables and a first aid kit.
Ensure your vehicle has plenty of fuel and that tires are properly inflated.
Use extreme caution and take the roadways that have been treated with salt or brine.
Always wear a seat belt and make sure all passengers are properly restrained in the vehicle at all times.
Cannon County as well as most of the surrounding area remains under a winter storm warning until 12 noon Tuesday.