Where’s The Gas Going?

Even though gasoline prices have dropped significantly during the past fiscal year, the Cannon County Commissioners questioned a budget amendment request for gas during their regular monthly meeting held Saturday at the Courtroom of the Cannon County Courthouse Last year $8500 was spent on gasoline, there was $7200 budgeted for gasoline.  Currently the County Vehicles are using the Co-op in Woodbury.  The budget amendment request was for $5,000 more meaning that the County might spend $12,000 in gas.  The vehicles involved in this budget amendment are for the Cannon County Rescue Squad, Cannon County Litter Control Truck, County Maintenance Van, and the Extension Office.  The commissioners tabled the budget request amendment until the Commissioners find out what each one of those groups use separately in the budgeted amendment  In other items on the agenda
The Commission approved the Litter Grant Resolution 2015-2 for 2015/2016.
Approved putting Carter Creek Road back on the County map.  Previously the road was taken off the official map due to gates being put up several years ago.
Appointed Gina Burke to the Cannon County Audit Committee.  Burke takes the place of Hope Tenpenny who resigned from the Committee because she moved to Murfreesboro.
Approved the 3 Star Confirmation Letter.  With this approval the County will continue to be Three Star Certified.  They will also receive a $10,000 grant.  Last year’s monies went to We Care Cannon to help with their back to school event for the students of Cannon County which has been held the last two years.
Approved the naming of a small strip of road from the new 4 lane highway over to the old Highway 70 McMinnville Highway Brady Higgins Road.
Approved the budget amendments of County General, Solid Waste, and Sheriff’s Department