Weed Walk Planned for August 14th

Palmer pigweed continues to be a huge threat to crops in Cannon County. The UT Extension office has found Palmer in several fields within the County ranging from seedlings to mature plants. Producers have accepted the challenge to utilize residue products and over lapping herbicides to combat this glyphosate resistant weed. Birds and other wildlife are doing their part by spreading the seed. We have to stay current on the latest strategies and products to try to stay ahead of this “game changer”. University of Tennessee Weed Specialist, Dr. Larry Steckel will discuss control options to help area producers combat this troublesome weed. We plan to meet from 8 AM to 10 AM at Gordon Wade’s Farm in Jacksboro (3388 Jacksboro Rd. Morrison, TN), then drive to David Parkers to discuss control options in corn. Cannon and Warren Farmers Coop will provide snacks.  For more information about this event please call the UT Extension office at 615-563-2554