The We Care Cannon Back To School event that took place Sunday at the Woodbury Grammar School took care of supplying school supplies and other necessary items for the upcoming school year for many of the school children here in Cannon County. When the doors opened yesterday afternoon at 2:00 the line which started in the Grammar School cafeteria stayed full almost to the outside doors as people patiently waited their turn with their children to get the school supplies and health products such as toothpaste, mouthwash. They took part in the free dental, vision and health screenings and many walked out with pairs of free socks and underwear. Anyone who missed Sunday’s event and has children in Kindergarten through 5th Grade the United Way of Rutherford and Cannon Counties will be distributing back to school kits which include school supplies to Cannon County schools in the near future according to a press release Saturday. More Pictures Are Available Through WBRY Facebook