Tennessee Health Commissioner Dr. Lisa Piercey donated blood at the American Red Cross office in Nashville Friday. The purpose was to direct attention to the urgent need for blood.
The people of Cannon County demonstrated that concern on Thursday with their response to the bloodmobile visit. The Woodbury Lions Club, sponsors of the visits, reports that 70 people arrived to donate, of the 70, 61 units was obtained. Bloodmobile Chairman Carl Hairlson stated that the goal was 44. The thirty-percent plus increase over goal was welcome news. Over 3000 blood drives across the country has been canceled or postponed due to the pandemic.
The American Red Cross has issued an urgent call for blood donations as the outbreak of COVID-19 continues to impact communities in Tennessee and across the United States. Blood centers are seeking donors to ensure a sufficient blood supply to support hospital patients in Tennessee. Donations can be made while practicing social distancing and taking other precautions to prevent the spread of illness. All Tennesseans who are eligible to donate blood are encouraged to join this effort to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 in the state.
The Lions Club and Red Cross thanks everyone who came out to donate and those who help make the drive go smoothly.