Upcoming Cannon County UT Extension Notes

Annual Meeting Planned for May 9th    Cattle Producers throughout the County are invited to attend the upcoming Cannon County Cattlemen’s Association meeting planned for Saturday, May 9th at the Woodbury Lions Club Building beginning at 6:30.
Bring a favorite desserts, we will have a lucky judge pick their favorite sweet. Please bring an auction item to be sold during our annual fundraiser immediately following the business meeting. Meal will be sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim.
We need a head count, so if you plan to attend please contact the  Extension Office 563-2554, Davy Sneed 563-4056 or Shirley Dennis 563-4123.
Farm Day Scheduled for May 8th
The 13th Annual Farm Day hosted by the Cannon County Farm Bureau and University of Tennessee Extension is scheduled for Friday, May 9th at the Cannon County Fairgrounds. Farm day is a fun filled, exciting opportunity for 4th graders throughout the County. This hands-on event will give them a feel of life on the farm. Local Farmers are urged to drop by at 8 A.M. for a biscuit and cup of coffee prior to the “Kick-Off” of Farm Day.
4-H’ers will see and learn about exciting things such as: Animals, Animals, Animals!!!, Creek Creatures, Forestry, Planting Plowing and Harvesting, Farm Equipment, Barnyard Olympics, Soils and much more.
Of course, the event would not be possible without the continued support of the Community. Please feel free to drop by and enjoy the activities and our way of celebrating Agriculture in Cannon County. For more information, contact Lou Nave 970-8065, Shirley Dennis 563-4123 or Bruce Steelman at 563-2554.
If You Have Brush to Burn, Don’t Forget the Permit
If you are burning a leaf or brush pile that is smaller than 8 feet by 8 feet in size, log on to www.burnsafetn.org to secure a permit.
For a larger burn, apply for a permit by calling your local Division of Forestry 615-765-7373burn permit phone number Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Current BQA & Premise Needed to Apply for TAEP
• BQA certifications must be renewed every three years and CURRENT at time of application.
• BQA is a two-hour educational course on cattle management and care sponsored by the Tennessee Cattlemen’s Association (TCA). See upcoming events on first page for scheduled trainings.
Several have asked if their Master Beef Producer has expired to maintain their 50% cost share. The table below illustrates the MBP renewal process. Cannon and Warren will host an Advanced Class this fall. Please contact the Cannon County Extension Office at 615-563-2554 to register. We will finish the class before December 1, 2015.
Year UT Master Beef Course was Completed:    UT Master Beef Course
is Good Through:    Advanced UT Master Beef Certification Required by:       
2004 – 2007    May 1, 2015    December 1, 2015       
2008 – 2011     May 1, 2016    December 1, 2016       
2012 – 2014    May 1, 2017    December 1, 2017    
2015 TAEP Application A Booklet
NOW available!
 The 2015-16 TAEP Application A (Genetics, Livestock Equipment, Livestock Working Facility Cover, Hay Storage, Grain Storage & Livestock Feed Storage) & B (Producer Diversification Application and Supplement) application booklets are available at the University of Tennessee Cannon County Extension Office.
    Please feel free to drop by the Extension Office is you need assistance in filling out your application or reimbursement forms.
    New Options Offered with 2015 Ag Enhancement
TAEP is a cost-sharing program. Producers fulfill requirements to defray the costs of strategic investments in their operation. Farmers can qualify for up to 50 percent cost share, with a maximum reimbursement of up to $15,000, depending on the project. Producers may apply online or submit an application by mail, which must be postmarked June 1 through June 7.
A few of the Changes for 2015/16 include:
Bull cost share program increased to $1,600 for eligible bulls with enhanced EPDs
Limit to 4 lifetime grain bin reimbursements
Reimbursement documents can be uploaded online
Eligibility rules simplified to one application per person per schedule F
New bred beef heifer cost-share
Remember, the application period if June 1st thru June 7th 2015. Applications completed online or mailed prior to June 1st or after June 7th will not be accepted.