United Way Grant Letter Of Intent Application Now Available For Qualifying Non Profit Agencies

The United Way of Rutherford and Cannon Counties has announced that the letter of intent application is available for local nonprofit agencies who are interested in the Community Impact Grant program. Programs must align with the mission of United Way and demonstrate measurable outcomes that impact the areas of education, health, or financial stability. 
The purpose of the Community Impact Grant program is to provide assistance to those 501(c)3 agencies who are not current partners of United Way, but whose priorities align with United Way’s community impact focus areas.
United Way’s Community Impact Committee composed of various business and community leaders and volunteers, will review the letters of intent, and invite programs that most closely align with United Way’s mission to apply for a Community Impact Grant.  
Letter of Intent applications are available at www.yourlocaluw.org/letter-intent and are due by February 6, 2015. Letter of intent submission does not result in a guarantee to be invited to apply for a grant. Applying organizations must possess a 501(C)3 IRS status.
For questions, please contact United Way at (615) 893-7303.