After two weeks of wet weather leading to cancellations of the Color Of Fall Car Show, the weather forecasters are predicting a nice day this Saturday. The Cannon County Chamber of Commerce event will start at 8:00 Saturday morning but it won’t be the stand alone activity on the courthouse square that it would have been during the past two weekends if the show would have been able to have been held as scheduled. October 10th also served as the final Cannon cruise in of the year. Instead of postponing that event, with the DJ already in place and a bunch of cars that already participate in the monthly activity , organizers decided to keep the event as is and will start it right after the Car Show. People participating in the cruise in do not have to participate in the car show and people in the car show do not have to feel obligated to participate in the cruise in. Since this is the last cruise in of the season, participants are encouraged to bring a toy for the Toy Drive. Toys will be collected at Iron Pig Antiques and Jennings Jewelers and be given for the Angel Tree project at Christmas.