A strange theft occurred Monday in Cannon County and investigators are continuing to investigate. According to Cannon County Sheriff’s Department Reports Deputy Lee Colwell spoke with a Mr. Larry Brandon who advised that he owns a farm on Lonnie Smith Road and found that some items were missing. Mr. Brandon advised that he had went out of town the previous week and that his brother, Leroy Brandon was taking care of the farm while he was away. Mr. Brandon advised that they are out at this property every day and that Thursday morning last week, his brother had found that approximately 16 stress tubs were missing from a storage shed on the property. Mr Brandon that the stress tubs are approximately 24 x24 250 lbs each contained in a turquoise colored container. Stress tubs are described as a hardened molasses lick block for cattle. Mr. Brandon states that his brother did advise that the tubs were in the shed on Wednesday the week before. Brandon stated that they also found where a gate on the property had been knocked off of the hinges and someone had driven to the back of the farm approximately 2000 feet turned around and backed out. Leroy Brandon spoke with a neighbor who advised him they had heard a vehicle in the evening that sounded like it was stuck. Mr. Brandon noticed in the gravel lot around some of their storage sheds what appeared to be where a vehicle was possibly stuck on a rock. the rock was described as approximately 12″ hight and there was a prybar laying next to the rock believed to be used to pry the vehicle off the rock. The pry bar was believed to have come from the shed. Mr. Brandon stated that he has no idea who could have or would have done this. However at the scene they found a small plastic megaphone imprinted with DCHS Tigers where the vehicle had gotten stuck. The investigation is continuing.