Cannon County SAVE Domestic Violence Agency would like to express our deepest thanks to everyone who made our recent fund raiser (SAVE Fest) such a big success. We greatly appreciate the continued support and dedication to this agency and the victims we serve. Without you, it would be difficult to continue our mission in stopping Domestic Violence in our community. Following is a list of those who helped with this wonderful event.
Thank You to the Following:
Connie Higgins
Woodbury Farmers CO-OP
Auto Zone
O’Reilly’s Auto Parts
Ace Hardware (Woodbury)
The New Millennium
Jennings Jewelers
Briar Rose Flower and Girt
Sonic (Woodbury)
R-Town Produce
Piggly Wiggly (Woodbury)
Dollar General (Manchester Hwy)
Dollar Market (Woodbury)
Becky Vasser
Bob and Jean France
Terry Baird
Billy McCalahan
Chuck-E-Cheese (Murfreesboro)
The Farrer Family
Lanes Trains and Automobiles (Murfreesboro)
Dr. Deason
The Discovery Center (Murfreesboro)
Lewis Bakery
Cannon Courier
All Area Walmart’s and Sam’s club
The Dollar Tree (Smithville)
Prichard’s Bi Rite (Alexandria)
Southern Sass
Region’s Bank
Jumpers Playhouse (Murfreesboro)
Mark Vance Wildlife Officer
Woodbury Police Department
The Gilley Brother’s
Johnny Duggin
Still House Restaurant
Art Center/Blue Porch Restaurant
Bruce Steelman
Cannon County Sheriff’s Department
Woodbury Fire Department
Bryson Johnson
United Way
Larry and Wanda Parker
Roger Hindman
Myrna Blair
Teresa Walls
WBRY Radio
WGNS Radio
Carolyn Motley
The Beasley Foundation