National Infant Immunization Week (NIIW) is April 24 – May 1, 2021. Each year, NIIW highlights the positive impact of vaccination on the lives of infants and children — and this year, it is vital that families stay on track for routine checkups and vaccinations during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommend children continue to attend well-child appointments and receive recommended vaccinations during the pandemic.
“We know there are thousands of children in Tennessee who are behind on vaccinations because of the pandemic,” said Tennessee Department of Health Commissioner Lisa Piercey, MD, MBA, FAAP. “It is critical that all children are up-to-date with their childhood vaccinations so they are protected and so that Tennessee avoids additional disease outbreaks.”
As in-person learning and play become more common, on-time vaccination is even more urgent to help keep children protected against potentially life-threatening diseases.
During NIIW, the Tennessee Department of Health reminds parents and pregnant women about the importance of on-time infant and childhood immunization – even during the COVID-19 pandemic. Be sure to reach out to your child’s medical provider or your county health department to schedule missed appointments and make sure your child is up to date on all recommended vaccinations.