TBI Taking Applications For Two Academies

The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation is taking applications for two separate training academies, one of which is being offered for the first time, to college students. 
The Criminal Justice Academy is a valuable one-week learning experience geared toward college juniors and seniors who are interested in a career in criminal justice or forensic science. The Academy will be held during the summer of each year, and will be offered at no cost to those who are accepted. The Criminal Justice Academy will have an emphasis on acquainting students with all facets of Bureau activities, and how this integrates within the State’s criminal justice system. Students will have the chance to process mock crime scenes and participate in mock court scenarios. For students who are considering a career as a TBI Special Agent, this program will afford them the opportunity to correlate their classroom studies with the career-related experiences from the Academy.
College students in Tennessee interested in applying for the Criminal Justice Academy can find the eligibility requirements and application form on the TBI website at http://www.tbi.tn.gov/training_division/training.shtml.
There is no cost for the training, food or lodging. Applications for the Criminal Justice Academy are being accepted through April 30, 2015.
Applications are also being accepted for the 2015 TBI Leadership Academy. This Academy is geared toward individuals who already have at least five years of law enforcement experience, including supervisory experience, who are interested in developing management and leadership skills. The training, meals and lodging are offered at no cost to participants. The two-week course is hosted at the Tennessee Fire and Codes Academy in Bell Buckle, Tennessee, and is held in September. Applications for the Criminal Justice Academy are being accepted through June 30, and are available on the TBI website at http://www.tbi.tn.gov/training_division/training.shtml.
The Training Division within the TBI conducts classes for more than 8,500 members of Tennessee law enforcement every year. These topics range from Fingerprinting, Child Sex Abuse, Prescription Fraud, Death Investigations and Methamphetamine 101.  The Division also spearheads the TBI Basic Criminal Investigation School which is attended by all Special Agents as well as members of the Tennessee Department of Correction, Tennessee Department of Safety, Tennessee Bomb and Arson, Tennessee Department of Revenue, and District Attorneys General.