Taped Conversation Leads To Mushroom Growing Operation

Cannon County Sheriff’s Deputies searching for a weapon used in a previous crime ended up discovering a small mushroom growing operation at a Dickens Hill Road Residence recently.  According to Cannon County Sheriff’s Department reports Josh Gamberella made a recorded phone call from the Cannon County Jail to his wife Angel.  During the phone call Ms Gamberella advised that deputies were at their residence to get more guns.  She advised that deputies took the one they were ultimately searching for and the shotgun.  Then Josh asked if the deputies had seen the mushrooms in the house and Angel replied no.    Upon hearing the conversation a search warrant was obtained for the residence and all vehicles.  After searching the residence, the deputies came up empty, however when the search progressed to a shed outside the house that’s when the mushroom growing operation was found.  Ms. Gamberella along with Donna Presson who owned the residence were arrested at the scene.  Both along with Josh were charged with Manufacture/Sale/Delivery of a schedule 1 controlled substance, simple possession of a schedule 6 controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia.