State Highway Deaths Are Down

Fewer people have died on Tennessee roadways this year than last year, Tennessee Highway Patrol reports.From January to August, 34 fewer people have died in car crashes in 2018 than 2017.
Fatal crashes were down across the board except in crashes involving large trucks, buses, motorcycles, and ATVs.
Tennessee Highway Patrol says the reduction in fatal crashes can be contributed to increased traffic enforcement campaigns, such as “Booze it or Lose it” and “Click it or ticket.”
About one in three traffic deaths in the US involves a drunk driver. THP frequently conducts sobriety checkpoints to catch impaired drivers. The Highway Patrol have conducted several of the checks in Cannon County with local law enforcement.
Research proves that seat-belts save lives. To drive home the point early, THP troopers traveled county to county showing children the importance of wearing seat-belts properly.