Second Book Battle Reading Challenge Announced

The Cannon County Library System announces the 2nd Annual Book Battle Reading Challenge. The competition pits the six county elementary schools against each other in a friendly, educational competition to see which school can read the most books. The program aims at promoting literacy in Cannon County and encouraging students to check out what their local library has to offer them. The program begins September 14 and will end on October 16. The results are tallied by taking the total number of books read by each school and dividing it by the total number of students, thereby making the program fair. Prizes include a pizza party sponsored by the Cannon County Library System for the class in the winning school that reads the most books and trophies for the winning and runner up schools. For more information, you may call the Dr. and Mrs. J.F. Adams Memorial Library at 615-563-5861 or the Auburntown Public Library on Wednesdays at 615-464-2622. Good luck to all Cannon County Students!