School Board Appreciation Week Is This Week

Governor Bill Haslam has declared this week as School Board Appreciation Week in Tennessee.  This week helps build awareness and understanding of the vital functions our locally elected boards of education play in our community.  Cannon County is joining public school districts from across the state to celebrate School Board Appreciation Week and honor local board members for their commitment to Cannon County and its children. “Our school system is the backbone of our community, and these men and women devote countless hours to making sure our schools are helping every child” Director Barbara Parker said “They spend countless hours studying the issues and regulations and make the tough decisions when called upon to ensure the type of accountability people expect”
Director Parker said the key work of school boards is to raise student achievement by creating a vision for what the community wants the school district to be and for making student achievement the top priority.  Establishing standards for what students will be expected to learn and be able to do.  Ensuring progress is measured to be sure the district’s goals are achieved and students are learning at expected levels.   Being accountable for their decisions and actions by continually tracking and reporting results.  Creating a safe orderly climate where students can learn and teachers can teach.  Forming partnerships with others in the community to solve common problems and focusing attention on the need for continuous improvement by questioning, refining and revising issues related to student achievement.
“Our local school board give the Cannon County citizens a voice in the education decision making process” Parker said.  “Their contribution is a year round committment.”
The current Board of Education members are Bruce Daniel, Chairman Randy Gannon, Nathan Sanders, Frank Walkup and Shelley Walkup.