Santa Claus will be making an appearance in Woodbury this Friday during the 25th annual Cannon County Country Christmas event. Santa will arrive at 5:00 on the square and the public is invited to enjoy wagon rides with Jolly St. Nick around the square compliments of the Tennessee Mule Skinners Association. Pictures with Santa will begin at 6:30 at Ethan’s Custard and Chips loacted at 110 North Tatum Street. Picture packages are only $10.00. He will be there until 8:30. Over 20 participating merchants offering refreshments, door prizes and christmas shopping bargains. While business store hours will be from 9A to 9P, the banks participating FirstBank and First National Bank will be participating during normal banking hours on Friday only. Both banks are closed as regular schedule on Saturday. The Old Feed Store and Antique Mall offers great gift ideas in addition to the many gift giving opportunities you’ll find at Jennings Jewelers on the Square. Next door you can get your pet all fixed up with gift certificates at the Purrfectly Pawlished Pet Salon. Those are just a few of the many businesses participating in the event WBRY AM-1540/FM107.9 will spotlight the businesses, events and new Christmas music during
the Cannon County Country Christmas Radio Special which will air between 5-7 Friday night.