Ronjie Tocholke of the American Legion Auxiliary was named the Tennessee Unit Member of the Year. The award, presented yearly at the American Legion Auxiliary’s national convention, showcases the dedication and time spent that Auxiliary go getters devote to the orgaanization’s mission of serving veterans, the military and their families The Unit Member of the Year award recognizes women serving at the unit level who exemplify the values and ideals of the Auxiliary and whose accomplishments significantly impact the program work in their units.
Nominees must be an adult American Legion Auxiliary unit member not in an elected or appointed leadership role higher than unit president.
A narrative of 1,000 words or less describing the nominee’s accomplishments and activities must be submitted by a unit to its department’s Past Presidents Parley chairman.
Each department selects one Unit Member of the Year from its submitted candidates.
The selection of the winner is at the discretion of the department Past Presidents Parley chairman.
Recognition of the winners occurs at the American Legion Auxiliary’s national convention.