Robert Virgil Young Selected As United States Coast Guard Grand Marshall

Throughout the past two weeks, WBRY has honored the Veterans of Cannon County by spotlighting the various Grand Marshalls of the Cannon County Veterans Parade which will take place Saturday afternoon.  Today’s spotlight is on the United States Coast Guard Grand Marshall.  Chief Petty Officer  the late Robert Virgil Young Virgil as he is known in Cannon County was born to Joe and Margarette Todd Young.  He graduated from the Woodbury Central High School in 1954. Virgil went to Norfork, Va. and worked at a boat dock.  While in Virginia
he joined the Coast Guard and took his boot camp in New Jersey.  In 1955
he married Grace Frazier.  They are the proud parents of four children.  Grace is the sister to Della Frazier Young who
is married to Virgil’s brother Nile.
 Virgil was stationed in many places during his 20 year career in the
Coast Guard.  First he was stationed at the Belle Isle Life Boat Station,
which is a search and rescue station.  His second duty station was Fort
Huron Michigan where he served aboard the Huron Light Ship.  Then Virgil
was assigned to the Coast Guard Base in New Orleans, and from there, a
small station in DuLac, Louisiana.  His fifth duty station took him out of
the warm south and put him in Alaska on the Cutter Clover.  Then again
down south to Virginia on the Cutter Mo Hicken.  He served on the Cutter
Courageous in Puerto Rico.  His eight assignment was Buffalo, NY. on the
Cutter Ojibiwa. His ninth and last duty station was Captain of the Port
in Nashville, Tennessee where he retired in 1974. He moved back to Cannon
County where he lived since retirement.  Some of the education that he
received while in the service of his country was a course for Enginemen
Chiefs at the Coast Guard Institute in 1965.  He satisfactorily completed
instrumentation at ALCO Engineering School in 1968: nuclear, biological
and chemical defense a shipboard course in March of 1968; and Marine
Transmission School in January 1970.
     Virgil received the Coast Guard Commendation Medal, the Coast Guard
Commendation Ribbon, and the Fourth Award of the Coast Guard Good
Conduct Award in 1973.
     Virgil left us a great memory and a message.  He invited everyone to
share in the Veterans Day Celebration and to remember our sons and
daughters who are serving our nation in all parts of this world.
The Cannon County Veterans Day Parade will take place at 1:00 Saturday