Rep. Rose Supports Trump-Backed Budget Resolution

On Tuesday, U.S. Representative John Rose (TN-06) voted ‘Yes” on H. Con. Res. 14. The measure, which passed 217-215, establishes a budgetary framework for fiscal year 2025 and sets budgetary levels for fiscal years 2026-2036. The resolution also directs House committees to begin drafting specific reconciliation legislation. The final budget will require another vote of the full House of Representatives as well as the Senate.

Rep. Rose released the following statement:
“Tennesseans overwhelmingly support President Trump’s vision for America, and I am dedicated to paving the way for swift action,” Rep. Rose said. “That’s exactly what I did by supporting this budget resolution. It’s a shame that every Congressional Democrat voted against protecting our borders, against cutting government waste, and against preventing a historic tax increase that would devastate millions of American families.

You can find out more about the budget framework resolution here.