Director of Cannon County Schools – Mr. William F. Curtis would like to inform the Cannon County Community regarding reopening plans for the 2020-2021 School Year. Director Curtis released a Preliminary Reopening Framework on Friday, July 17th, 2020, and the full Continuous Learning Plan (CLP) will be considered and voted on at a Special Called Meeting of the Cannon County Board of Education on Thursday, July 23rd, 2020 – 6:30 PM and will be uploaded to the Tennessee Department of Education the following day – Friday, July 24th, 2020.
Director Curtis stated, “Cannon County Schools Personnel have had a VERY busy Summer 2020. This past School Year 2019-2020 saw multiple closings of our Cannon County School buildings for on-campus instruction since March 13th, 2020. First, let me say that our Mission – ‘Preparing ALL Students for their Future’ continues forward even in the middle of a pandemic of COVID-19. Secondly, that our Vision – ‘The New E3 – Engaged in Excellence Every Day’ is our guide in ALL that we do for students, educators, and staff at all levels. And thirdly, that Cannon County Schools number one, priority GOAL is to ‘Provide a safe and supportive learning environment.’ This Goal of the Cannon County Board of Education and Cannon County Schools is on our mind and in our hearts during this reopening process.”
“Our Reopening Task Force has been working on this process for the past several weeks and members include all stakeholders including Cannon County Schools’ personnel – Administrators, Principals, Teachers, Community Health Care Providers, local Cannon County Health Department Officials, and other Community Members. The Task Force is composed of Four (4) Sub-Committees: Physical Health/Safety, Academics, Transportation, Sanitation, and Budget/Governance, as well as the Full Committee. We have been seeking Public Stakeholder Input with a survey sent out on June 23rd, 2020 via multiple media and social media outlets. 887 responses were recorded and examined by each of the Task Force subcommittees. These committees will be submitting their final reports and recommendations the Week of July 20th, 2020 and the Full Committee’s recommendation to the Cannon County Board of Education at the July 23rd, 2020 Special Called Meeting of the Board.”
“Our students’ safety and well-being as we reopen Cannon County Schools is at the forefront of this reopening process, and we thank parents/guardians for their patience. We have been extremely deliberate in this process observing fellow school systems in the Upper Cumberland Region and surrounding areas and have been evaluating various plans and scenarios. We have been in constant communication with the Tennessee Department of Education and the local/regional Tennessee Department of Health. We have also had access and analysis of multiple “toolkits” provided by the Tennessee Department of Education regarding the various sections of our work – e.g. Physical Health, Governance, Technology, Transportation, Finance, etc.. As a result of all of this process will be the “Continuous Learning Plan (CLP).” A major first part of this plan is the Cannon County Schools Reopening Framework – Preliminary Draft.”
Director Curtis further stated, “The Reopening Framework is composed of three levels – Level Green, Level Yellow, and Level Red. These levels will be determined by the County Active Case Rate of COVID-19 to be determined by the Tennessee Department of Health. As of this moment (Friday, July 17th, 2020), we will be opening Cannon County Schools in Level Green – Traditional Opening of Schools. The schedule will be: All students/staff in physical buildings on regular schedule with Breakfast and Lunch being served. Health and Safety Protocols being used are: Daily temperature checks for all staff/students; Emphasis on social distancing; Enhanced hand washing and cleaning, disinfecting and sanitizing of building and buses; Limited visitors to building (appointments needed); Masks Strongly Recommended; and Masks required on Morning Bus Routes. Academic Teaching and Learning Delivery will be through Regular Classroom Instruction.”
“Parents/Guardians may choose ‘On-Campus Delivery of Instruction’ or may apply for a ‘Distance Learning Option’ for their students. An application is available on the Cannon County Board of Education website at This application must be completed and sent back to the Board of Education Central Office by 3:00 PM on July 31st, 2020. Completed applications should be emailed to Cannon County Schools Data Administrator, Lisa Black at the following email address: Enrollment into the Cannon County Virtual Instruction Program requires a 9-week minimum commitment. Each student MUST have access to the internet for at least 7 hours per day, per child. Assignments, online communication and collaboration, research and access to online resources is required and will be graded. Student MUST be enrolled in Cannon County Schools.”
“If conditions warrant as determined by the Tennessee Department of Health, Cannon County Schools could go to Level Yellow – Blended Learning. The proposed schedule under this level will be: A/B Model for learning; Some students in physical building and some learning remotely/virtual; and Breakfast and lunch served. Health and Safety Protocols proposed being used at this level are: Same protocols as in the Traditional Learning plan = Daily temperature checks for all staff/students; Emphasis on social distancing; Enhanced hand washing and cleaning, disinfecting and sanitizing of building and buses; Limited visitors to building (appointments needed); Masks Strongly Recommended; and Masks required on Morning Bus Routes. Academic Teaching and Learning Delivery will be through: Regular classroom instruction on days at school and remote/virtual learning on days not present at school; Instruction provided by Google Classroom and software programs; Teachers available remotely to assist; and Devices necessary and provided as needed.”
“If conditions decline as determined by the Tennessee Department of Health, Cannon County Schools could go to Level Red – Virtual/Remote Learning. The proposed schedule under this level will be: All students learning remotely/virtually; Meals served per available funding. Health and Safety Protocols proposed being used at this level are: Daily temperature checks for staff working in Schools and/or Meal Distribution Sites. Academic Teaching and Learning Delivery will be through: Instruction provided by Google Classroom and software programs; Teachers available remotely to assist; and Devices necessary and provided as needed.”
“The above is a Cannon County Schools Reopening Framework – PRELIMINARY DRAFT and will be VOTED ON by the Cannon County Board of Education at a Special Called Meeting on Thursday, July 23rd, 2020 – 6:30 PM in the Cafeteria of Woodbury Grammar School, 530 West Adams Street, Woodbury, TN 37190. The Board will take into consideration the entire ‘Continuous Learning Plan’ as well as the report from the Reopening Task Force. ALL Plans are subject to Board Action and changes as warranted. Detailed Reopening Instructions are currently being examined and will be issued to the Cannon County Community on Friday, July 24th, 2020 following Cannon County Board of Education approval. Employee Training and In-Service will be conducted at each individual school with each School Principal facilitating the training. Staff were sent an In-service Schedule earlier this month.”
Director Curtis concluded, “We sincerely appreciate all the hard work and dedication of our excellent staff and further the patience of ALL our Cannon County Schools family – students, parents/guardians, educators, and staff during this unprecedented time in Cannon County Schools’ history. Cannon County Schools must follow State of Tennessee Department of Education guidelines, as well as, the Tennessee Department of Health and CDC protocols. We sincerely appreciate your support for all of our schools.”