The Cannon County Budget Committee made a motion and approved to send a recommendation to the full Cannon County Commission concerning a property tax freeze for qualifying elderly people. The Cannon County Commission has put that matter on hold however during their regular monthly meeting this past Saturday while gathering more information about it. The item didn’t make the official agenda on time but was included in on other business. Commissioner Brent Bush who also serves on the Budget Committee and spearheaded the effort brought it up during this past Saturday’s meeting . County Executive and Commission Chairman Mike Gannon informed the Commissioners that he found out some other information including the fact that if the tax freeze program were voted on during the meeting, it would not effect 2015 property taxes. The freeze would go into effect if passed effecting the 2016 property taxes. Chairman Gannon also said that he has asked Ben Rogers with CTAS to meet with the Commissioners and tell the pros and cons. Commissioner Bush wanted to move forward with the full Commission vote to see if they can get this passed. He cited a concern to possibly get this lost in the shuffle after receiving such a big vote of confidence from the Budget Committee of which many are County Commissioners as well. Commissioner Jim Bush agreed with moving forward and voting. Commissioner Glenn Steakley spoke and said that he didn’t have the time to get all the information he needed to make an informed decision and when it was brought up in the budget committee he is all for looking into it but he was unaware about actually voting on it during the Saturday meeting. He said they need to find out the actual impact of this potential freeze and the administrative costs of implementing it such as paperwork and documents people will need in order to see if they qualify for it. After a little more discussion, the Commissioners decided to have Ben Rogers with CTAS come to the August meeting to discuss the issue and inform the Commissioners of the pros and cons. In other items on the agenda
The Commissioners approved 8 to 1 the appointing of Stan Hollandsworth to the 9-1-1 Board. Commissioner Brent Bush voted against it as he explained before the vote he had someone contact him about the possibility of serving on the board and wanted to know what the procedure was. They also approved the appointing of James Adkins to the County Beer Board. Both men replace former Woodbury Police Chief Kevin Mooneyham. Current Woodbury Police Chief Lowell Womack has been appointed to the Homeland Security Committee.
The resolution to opt out of statewide building code standards failed due to a lack of two thirds vote. 6 commissioners voted to opt out while 3 voted to stay in. With the issue needing 7 votes to opt out, the State will come in to inspect any new housing and they check wiring and the foundation of a home at a minimal cost which is not funded by the County.
The Commissioners also voted to approve the continuing study of the Planning Commission regarding zoning. The Cannon County Planning Commission will now continue their in depth studies on possible zoning regulations which will result in bringing a proposal to the full Cannon County Commission in the future.