Several people have asked where the issue of possible zoning in Cannon County is at right now. According to the official minutes of the last meeting: At the July 22, 2014 meeting, several citizens addressed the Cannon County Planning Commission regarding the possibility of county wide zoning. According to the official minutes of the meeting Most of the citizens in attendance voiced that they would be in favor of the adoption of county wide zoning. Due to the recent establishment of a firing range and a facility to house the mentally handicapped, several citizens made statements asking the Planning Commission to recommend land use controls that would protect property values. Chairman Barker stated that a Cannon County Zoning Ordinance had been drafted, but had not been recommended due to a lack of support. Staff Planner and Planning Commissioners then answered questions regarding existing concerns and hypothetical situations. After all discussion had ended, Chairman Barker requested that Staff Planner provide the drafted Cannon County Zoning Ordinance for the members to review at the August 26, 2014 meeting. At the August 26, 2014 meeting, Staff Planner presented the draft of the Cannon County Zoning Ordinance to members for review. Staff Planner reviewed the different zoning districts within the county which included different residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural zones. After discussion, Chairman Barker tabled discussion until the September 23, 2014 meeting. At the September 23, 2014 meeting, Staff Planner and members discussed the R-1 and R-2 zones of the proposed Cannon County Zoning Ordinance. The R-1 zone is considered low density residential which permits mainly single family residences. The R-2 zone is considered high density residential and allows for multi-family residences. Staff explained the differences between the two (2) aforementioned zones in regards to the permitted and prohibited uses. After all discussion had subsided, Chairman Barker tabled discussion until the October 28, 2014 meeting. At that meeting, Staff Planner stated he would present the different commercial districts for discussion. At the November 25, 2014 meeting, Staff Planner and members discussed the C-1 and C-2 zones. The C-1 district would be established for highway commercial use and would allow all commercial uses. The C-2 district would be established for rural commercial use and low impact commercial uses. After discussion, Chairman Barker tabled discussion until the January 27, 2015 meeting. At the February 24, 2015 meeting, members discussed several topics regarding the proposed zoning ordinance including what support if any would be given by the County Commission and also would existing businesses located throughout the County be in favor of county wide zoning. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Planning Commission that a thorough review of the proposed zoning ordinance would need to continue in the upcoming months. That discussion is scheduled to continue Tuesday night at the Cannon County Planning Commission meeting.
The meeting will take place Tuesday night at the Cannon County Courthouse at 6:00 p.m.