Parents Invited To Instructional Fair Tonight

The Cannon County School System is hosting an instructional fair tonight for all parents of Cannon County Students.  The fair will take place from 6:00-7:30 p.m. at the Cannon County High School and features sessions for all grade levels pre-k through 12th.  Some of the topics of tonight’s fair includes:  Key concepts students learn in English and Math at each grade level.  Suggested activities that parents can do at home to help support student learning.  Tips for Parents in helping your student prepare for TCAP testing and steps to take for college enrollment.  There will be demonstrations by teachers from each school in the Cannon County system.  This fair offers the opportunities to ask questions about Tennessee Curriculum standards, learn about Tennessee Student Assessment Program, Promoting School Family Partnerships and Networking with other parents.  For more information on tonight’s event please contact the Cannon County Schools Central Office and ask for Dr. Regina Merriman or Mrs. Bonnie Patterson at 563-5752