A Cannon County man was arrested for contempt of court after he was found in the presence of a former domestic partner even though there was a court order against it. According to sheriff’s department reports Caden Jones stated that he was involved in a argument with Norman Steed. He stated that there was a court order that he couldn’t be around Steede. Dispatch advised that the court order was in place until August 2016. Sheriff’s Deputies made contact with Steede, who had been asleep. He stated that there was an argument that occurred several hours ago. Both Jones and Steede appeared to be very intoxicated and did not give clear statements about what had occurred. Jones stated the reason why he was there was because he had nowhere else to go and allegedly stated that he has been living at the residence despite the court order. Jones was arrested for contempt of court and will appear in General Sessions Court to answer to the charge October 6th.