No Tax or Water And Sewer Hikes For The Town Of Woodbury

The Budget of the Town of Woodbury has been approved during Tuesday night’s meeting of the Woodbury Mayor and Board of Aldermen.  Once again the tax rate of $1.06 and water and sewer rates won’t be increased.  The budget was amended to provide a $5,000.00 total contribution from the Town to the Cannon County Chamber of Commerce which was a $2500 increase from last years budget.  Both ordinances number 472 and 473 were adopted on second and final reading concerning the budget. In other actions of the Board of Aldermen.  The Board deferred to consider repair work at the tennis courts at Brown Spurlock Park.  The courts need to be resurfaced again.  Ronny Burks Cannon County High School Tennis Coach approached Mayor Harold Patrick about the repairs.  It was decided to talk with the schools to arrange some kind of partnership if possible to use and maintain the tennis courts.  The Aldermen will also check into the specifics of the rules that the park has in regards to several issues that were brought up during the meeting.
Mayor Harold Patrick announced that he has reappointed William H. Bryson to the Woodbury Housing Board.  
A new ordinance was put together to amend Ordinance 280 regarding building permit fees.  The town of Woodbury has had trouble in the past getting inspectors from Murfreesboro to do building inspections and issuing permits on a timely basis.  They would like to let the State handle all the permits and inspections.  The ordinance passed on first reading and will now be brought up again during the August meeting for the second and final reading.