July came with a bang, as it always does, and we now begin the countdown to the first day of school sometime in August. But we’re not going to dwell on that now. Summer Reading is what’s on our minds. If you haven’t already signed up, come on in and do it today. It’s not too late to join the program and start reading books for fun and prizes.Come to the library, get your program materials and start reading. This year for children birth to 4 years and children 4 to 12 years the subject is Every Hero Has a Story. For Teens, ages 12 to 17, the theme is Unmask. Thetopic for adults, ages 18 and up, is Escape the Ordinary.
Through June and July there will be NO story time at Adams Memorial Library, however story time is continuing at the Auburntown Branch. Story Time will resume in August at Adams Memorial. Until then you can attend the Auburntown story time and join the Summer Reading Program with your children.
July 14 we have our sixthsummer movie of the season. We have a great crowd coming in for our weekly movie but we still have plenty of space for YOU! Come out and enjoy a movie in the cool with popcorn and juice.
All free and all for you. Can’t wait until movie day to know what we’re showing?Come by or call the library to find out. Due to licensing considerations, we can’t print the title in the paper, but you’ll love it.
Thursday, July 16, we have the premier summer event – THE POOL PARTY. We know you enjoy reading, but this is really why you come for Summer Reading, to get in the water. Everyone is welcome. This year we’re also running a food drive for the Cannon County Food Bank. Bring your donations of canned food items to the pool and if we get 50 cans or more, Miss Patti will jump in the pool. She can’t jump in if you don’t bring the cans, so bring your canned goods and put Miss Patti in the pool.
The Family Story Time and Craft will be held on Saturday, July 18, at 10:30 a.m. at Adams Memorial Library. Come by with your family for an event that everyone can enjoy. It’s hard to find free events for the whole family, but you’ve found one now, so be sure not to miss it.
Don’t forget our ongoing program One Thousand Books before Kindergartenthat continues all year. If you have a child of pre-kindergarten age, stop by the circulation desk and sign up. You’ll get a packet of materials to keep a record of your child’s progress as well as games and activities. This will be a wonderful addition to your child’s memory book. Someday your child will be astonished at all the books she read when she was little and too young to remember reading.
Only a two more weeks to jump into the Summer Reading Program and then it’s over for another year. Don’t wait a year, come in now! There’s still time to sign up and win a prize. That is if reading the book isn’t prize enough. Come in today!