News From Cannon Libraries

Great news for all of you who have been waiting for the Monday Night Book Club to resume, the wait is over.  The book discussion will resume on Monday, April 6, at 6:30 p.m. at Adams Memorial Library.  The book is The Stone Diaries, by Carol Shields.  Get your copy or just come for the discussion and make some new friends.That same evening at 6 p.m. there will be the first of two classes in keyboarding.  Introduction to Keyboarding begins on Monday evening and finishes on Wednesday at the same time.  Sign up if you’re interested in learning more about how to operate a computer through its primary interface.
April is Financial Literacy month and the library is presenting two classes on financial matters.  The first is “Where did it go?” a discussion lead by a local CPA on how to budget and why it’s necessary.  Come to get some tips and resources on how to plan your spending so that your month doesn’t end before your money.
Remember our program One Thousand Books Before Kindergarten continues all year.  If you have a child of pre-kindergarten age, stop by the circulation desk and sign up.  You’ll get a packet of materials to keep a record of your child’s progress as well as fun games and activities.
April is poetry month as well as financial literacy month, and the library has activities for both.  Bring in 2 of your poems by April 13 to be anonymously posted for patrons to select the top three.  Prizes will be awarded for the top three poems.  Don’t forget to pick up an entry and Win a Trip to Paris.  That’s right, Paris, France, not Paris, Tennessee.  Mail in your entry before the deadline and you may be the lucky winner of a wonderful trip.
Teens don’t forget to come in and sign up to volunteer at the library during the summer.  Help the library with summer reading as well as our many other summer projects to have fun, gain experience and have an excuse to get away from the house in a parental approved manner.  It is true that giving is the best way to receive.
Wednesday, April 7, is Story Time at Auburn and Thursday, April 9, is Story Time at Adams.  Note the date change for Adams.  The time is still 10:30 a.m. at both locations and the story will be appropriate for ages 18 months to 5 years.  This is a great way for your child to begin a lifelong love of books and reading.
If you are interested in how the library is run, attend the Board Meeting on Thursday at 5 p.m.  This meeting is always open to the public and the Board welcomes participation by the patrons of the library.
Saturday, April 11, is the final ACT/SAT study session for the year.  If your teen needs some tips on how to navigate this important milestone have them come to the library from 10 a.m. to noon for excellent instruction.
Remember this is your library and we are always happy to hear comments and suggestions on how to provide you with a fabulous library experience.  We have new books and DVDs coming in every day.  We have a beautiful photography exhibit throughout the month of April.  We have computers open with no waiting and no time limits.  Don’t be a stranger.  Come in and see what we can offer y