News From Cannon Libraries

Hello! May is here and it’s starting to be an exciting springtime at the Library.  You don’t want to miss this Saturday, May 9, for the first official Gathering in the Reed-Rogers Garden.  This garden was dedicated on Mother’s Day 2013 by Greg and Lisa Rogers to honor their mothers, Ladye Ruth Reed and Myrna Rogers.  This year to celebrate we’re having a special Gathering in the Garden.  Starting at 10:30 a.m. we will have family story time followed by potting plants you can take home.  Story time will appeal to children up to 7 years old and potting plants will appeal to everyone and you get to take your plant home to enjoy all summer.  This event will be held rain or shine so don’t let a little rain hold you back. May Story Time continues all month at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesdays at Auburntown and at 10:30 a.m. on Thursdays at Adams.  Story times are for children 18 months to 5 years and are a great way to introduce you child to the lifelong fun of reading.  Bring your children to the library to start them on a lifelong reading adventure.
Remember our program One Thousand Books before Kindergarten continues all year.  If you have a child of pre-kindergarten age, stop by the circulation desk and sign up.  You’ll get a packet of materials to keep a record of your child’s progress as well as fun games and activities.  This will be a wonderful addition to your child’s memory book.  Someday your child will be astonished at all the books he read when he was little and too young to remember reading.
Teens don’t forget to come in and sign up to volunteer at the library during the summer.  Help the library with summer reading as well as our many other summer projects to have fun, gain experience and have an excuse to get away from the house in a parental approved manner.  It is true that giving is the best way to receive.  Rumor has it that those who volunteer will have a training meeting with pizza, just saying.
Tuesday, May 12, we have an exciting and unusual program to offer called Watermelon Wine: The Poetry of Southern Music.  This event is a mixture of music, poetry and stories.  Join Anne E. DeChant as she plays acoustic music to accompany author Frye Gaillard as he reads from his award winning book, Watermelon Wine.  Please come and enjoy this mix of music, poetry and stories that explore the depths of the human heart with subtlety and feeling.
Thursday, May 14, at 11:30 a.m. come to the library to learn all about R.E.A.D.S the downloadable library.  Want a book on your Nook or Kindle and can’t figure out how to get it downloaded?  This is for you.  When you leave, you’ll have some electronic books to read.
If you came for the program on May 2, Life in Quilts: One Woman’s Journey, you won’t want to miss the event on Saturday, May 16.  In this sewing/quilting workshop, you’ll learn how to make a string piece quilt.  Plan to spend all day since this program begins at 9 a.m. and ends at 2 p.m., but when you leave you will have learned an art form that is quickly passing away.  Plan to bring a bag lunch and a sewing machine if you have one.  There will be a few machines available and these will be offered on a first come first served basis.  This is fun and creative and both advanced beginners and experienced quilters will enjoy this workshop.  There is a limit of 10 for this class.
Summer reading is about to start.  Watch this space for more information in the coming weeks.  Please let us know if there is something you’d like to see presented at the library.  We will do everything we can to make it happen.  The library is for you so let us know what you want.  Read on!