New City Attorney Might Be Picked During Tonight’s Mayor and Aldermen Meeting

The Woodbury Mayor and Board of Aldermen will be meeting tonight.  One of the highlights of the meeting will be to discuss filling the vacancy of the City Attorney.  Dale Peterson had been the City Attorney but the position became open back in November after Peterson pled guilty to theft and agreed to be disbarred for at least five years.  The theft was non-related to any Town of Woodbury business.  Tonight they will discuss filling the job.  Over 7 people have applied for the position.  Other items on the agenda include a public hearing concerning proposed ordinance number 467 which is an ordinance to amend Title 3 Chapter 1 Section 3-103 of the Woodbury Municipal Code which removes any residency requirements of the position of town judge.  Dorinda Mankin, Cannon County Administrator of Elections would like to address the board as well.  The meeting starts tonight at 7:00 at the Nolan Dude Northcutt Building formerly known as City Hall.