Moonshine In MTSU Art Gallery

MTSU’s Todd Art Gallery is inviting art lovers to immerse themselves in a new exhibit maybe even get a little intoxicated with enjoyment of an element of Southern life considered both popular and practical as well as prohibited. “Still Life The Art Of Moonshine” is open now through Thursday.  It spans the main Todd Gallery as well as the new TAG/West Gallery featuring a juried collection that includes pieces by Brian Harnetty and Elias Hansen as well as work from professionals and students from MTSU and across the country.  
The MTSU Arts exhibit “explores the far reaching and ongoing history. stereotypes, methods and mythos of an iconic American symbol, moonshine as depicted through the interpretive eye of the contemporary fine artist.” Todd Gallery Director Eric Snyder said.
“Still Life: The Art of Moonshine” will be on display during the Todd Gallery’s regular hours of 8:30 in the morning to 4:30 in the afternoon.