Cannon County Extension office will host an advanced Master goat sheep class series beginning this month at the Woodbury Lions Club Building. The program will consist of six meetings covering the following topics, guidelines for custom exempt harvest and retail and wholesale meat regulations, reproduction, predators, nutrition, livestock evaluation and grading, forage management, marketing principals and regulations and portable fencing farm safety and biosecurity. Cost for the course is $70 for all meetings materials and snacks. Individuals that have not participated in a Master Goat program and or producers who completed the original Master Goat Class during or prior to 2011 must complete this class by Dec 2015 to be eligible for 50% reimbursement from the Tennessee Agricultural Enhancement grants. You do not have to have attended the original Master Goat Class to participate. Registration deadline is March 15th. Call UT Cannon County Extension at 563-2554 to register