By: Sarah Ferrell,
4-H Youth Development Extension Agent III

What are your greatest fears? For most people, public speaking is at the top of the list. However, this is a skill that is important no matter what career field you enter.
Many Cannon County 4-H members are learning to overcome their nerves when speaking to a group. Congratulations to all the 4-H members which competed in the Cannon County 4-H Public Speaking Contest either in-person or virtually. After winning their school classroom and county competition, three 4-H members competed in the Sub-Region Speech Contest on April 13, 2021 in Lebanon, TN against 10 other counties.

We are extremely proud of the hard work and dedication shown by the 4-H members. Congratulations to Abigail Cook, Woodland Elementary School 6th grader for winning 4th place and being recognized in the top 5 for her grade level.
We are also proud of Brooklyn Conner, homeschool 4th grader and Camden Pruitt, West Side Elementary School 6th grader for participating in the contest.

Glossophobia, or the fear of public speaking, is remarkably common. In fact, some experts estimate that as much as 77% of the population has some level of anxiety regarding public speaking. That is why Abigail, Brooklyn, and Camden deserve our praise for doing what many people would not, public speaking! Cannon County 4-H members had some amazing speeches and we are very proud of all 3 of our sub-regional competitors. 4-H is proud of the accomplishments of the many 4-H members that learn the valuable life skill of communications through Public Speaking.
For more information about the 4-H program, contact Sarah Ferrell at or the UT Extension Office at (615) 563-2554.