Libraries Release Annual Report

The Cannon County Libraries have released their annual report: Cannon County Library System has had an amazing year!  This Library is a wonderful community asset, and has been a well-kept secret, but the word is out and staff are working harder and serving more members of the community each day!  Over the course of the year, beginning July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015, the Library has seen increases in all areas of service.  Circulation has increased 16%; the number of library card holders has increased 7%; and as more people realize the value of the Library, we have seen a 13% increase in library visits and a 30% increase in reference questions.  Computer usage is up 3%, but this number does not include all those who use WI-FI at the library.  And, thanks to a generous grant from the Adams Memorial Association the Library has been able to develop a dynamic programming plan, which has led to a 280% increase in program attendance.   The Summer Reading Program has been very popular this summer, and the support of community donors, the Friends of the Adams Memorial Library, and the Adams Memorial Association has allowed added programming and reading incentives for all ages.  This year’s program registration has increased 40% over last summer’s!  The library system wishes to thank all the supporters of the Cannon County Library System, with your support and generosity the Library is doing great things.