A long time Cannon County educator has been named principal of Short Mountain Elementary School. Director of Schools Freddy Curtis has named Candice Prater Lewis to the post.

The new principal has lived in Cannon County most of her life. She graduated from Short Mountain Elementary School and Cannon County High School. She is a graduate of Motlow State Community College and earned a Master in Instructional Leadership from Tennessee Technological University.
After teaching 12 years, Lewis says she is looking forward to becoming the principal at Short Mountain Elementary School. She said, “I encourage an environment where all stakeholders are involved in education by cultivating relationships with parents and students, which has proven effective in the 12 years I have taught. It is my aspiration to use my experience and knowledge to make a difference as principal!”
Curtis said he was excited to make the appointment. “[Mrs. Lewis] is a proven veteran educator and is very well respected among her colleagues. I am extremely appreciative of her willingness to be the leader of the team to achieve our VISION and MISSION of Cannon County Schools and specifically Short Mountain Elementary School – VISION – ‘Engaged in Excellence EVERY Day in EVERY Way!’ through OUR MISSION – ‘To Create a Unified Environment That Will Provide Opportunities for All Students to Reach Their Full Potential!”
The principal’s position became available when former Principal Stephanie Alexander accepted the job as Cannon County Schools ESSER 3.0 Monitor/Academic Data Analyst position. Principal Lewis is married to Jared Lewis, and they reside in the Short Mountain Community. Their son, Landen, is a student at Short Mountain Elementary School.