John Rose Announces Candidacy for Governor of Tennessee

Today, John Rose, an eighth-generation Tennessean, lifelong farmer, and small business owner, was surrounded by hundreds of supporters as he announced his candidacy for Governor of Tennessee at the Wilson County Fairgrounds. The location is emblematic of Rose’s rural roots. As a volunteer, he chaired the Tennessee State Fair Association for more than 10 years.

Rose spoke about his family’s long history in Tennessee—going back to 1790—and the lessons he learned growing up on his family’s farm. He declared his commitment to preserving Tennessee’s unique heritage of faith and perseverance, supporting Tennessee’s often neglected rural and agricultural communities, protecting family values, and creating economic prosperity for all.

Rose has been endorsed by President Trump in each of his successful bids for Congress, beginning in 2018. As a staunch supporter of President Trump, Rose pledged to stand with him in empowering states, stripping Washington’s power, and upholding conservative values.

“Washington DC’s values are not our values,” John Rose declared. “We are fiercely independent and we plan to keep it that way. President Trump is shrinking the federal government and reducing bureaucracy, which gives power back to the states. We helped put President Trump back in office so that he would end the DC power trip. He’s getting the job done and as Governor, I’ll stand with him, just as I have since his first election in 2016.”

Rose cited several priorities:
Giving Tennessee children the education they deserve and giving their parents a seat at the table. Rose committed to appointing a current or former Tennessee teacher as Commissioner of Education.

Expanding and improving Tennessee’s roadways.

Making quality healthcare and mental healthcare accessible for all Tennesseans, including rural communities.

Making Tennessee a leader in energy production — particularly nuclear energy.

Protecting unborn life, serving vulnerable children, and making adoption easier.

Protecting our Second Amendment rights and enacting Constitutional Carry.

Rose has prioritized visiting all 95 counties, as he emphasizes personally connecting with Tennesseans to listen, learn, and hear their concerns. The campaign will have strong footing with $5 million already committed toward the effort.
John Rose’s speech:

On behalf of my wife Chelsea and our two sons, Guy and Sam, thank you for being here today. You honor us with your presence.

Today, as the grateful descendent of fearless Tennessee pioneers and as an eighth generation Tennessee farmer, I humbly announce my candidacy for Governor of the State of Tennessee.

In 1790, first generation Americans John and Anne Lancaster came to what is now Tennessee. They came to claim a Revolutionary War Grant sight unseen. Not knowing what was ahead of them, they and their 11 children packed everything they owned and traveled by wagon to a piece of land along what would later be named the Caney Fork River. Together, they built a home and started a farm.

The Lancasters were the first in my family to call Tennessee “home.” For those pioneers who traveled west, this place where we stand today was a mystery waiting to be unraveled, with plenty of danger, but also boundless opportunities.

Day by day and year by year those Tennesseans who came before us toiled and dedicated themselves to this land. They did so with a commitment to the next generation. One generation would pass a better Tennessee onto the next generation after generation.

In the midst of the struggle and the toil that brought us to today, there have been countless dreams realized and many others shattered. Unforgettable triumphs and unimaginable losses. There has been joy and there has been pain.

Blood, sweat, and tears formed this state over many years and with many hands of all colors, of all origins, both men and women – as individuals – as families – as communities – we have overcome every obstacle placed before us.

The great Tennesseans before us rejected a tyrannical monarchy and helped form a new nation. They saved Texas at the Alamo, endured a civil war and defended our country through world wars. They overcame sickness and disease. They survived an economic depression and near starvation. Life was not always as easy as it is today, but through faith we persevered.

We have always been a people with tremendous faith in our God – unshakable, unyielding faith. In fact, millions of hours have been spent in faithful prayer by generations of Tennesseans – people who boldly asked for this state to prosper. God heard their prayers and we have indeed prospered.

Because of the people who came before us, who chose to push past their fears and instead embrace hope, Tennessee is special and unique. Tennessee is as legendary as its people: President Andrew Jackson, Davy Crockett, Sergeant Alvin C. York, Anne Dallas Dudley, Alex Haley, Minnie Pearl, Pat Summitt, and of course – Dolly Parton.   Those aren’t the only Tennessee legends.

My dad was a legend to me. How many sons and daughters would agree with that? He never held the nuclear football, but he held me.

He patiently taught me things, like how to put up a fence and how to drive a tractor. He took me to meetings at the Co-op and Farm Bureau, and when he worked at what is now known as Farm Credit, he took me to his office. I learned at his feet, quite literally. He made time for me and impacted me in legendary ways.

My mom was a public school teacher and I am the youngest of her four children. At the point I came along, she was a full-time mother and homemaker. She used her years of expertise to teach me the alphabet and how to write. She spawned me to learn and achieve, which led to self-belief. Her belief in me opened my imagination and broadened my definition for what is possible in my life. Betty Rose and Tennessee mothers like her are legends in my book.

My grandmother lost my grandfather abruptly and unexpectedly. That could have been the end of our family farm tradition, but she rolled up her sleeves and kept the farm going for twenty years after his death. It’s because of her that I get the chance to live and farm on that same land. Mama Rose is a Tennessee legend to me.

Even today, there are people in this crowd who stood with me in the fight to save the Tennessee State Fair. Because of you, we proudly stand here at the home of the Wilson County Tennessee State Fair, a wonderful celebration of all that makes our state special.

The Volunteer Spirit runs in our blood and just as much so in our adopted Tennesseans who are new to the state.   We live in the greatest state, in the greatest nation in the history of the world.

People come from all around – California, New York, and everywhere in between. We know why they come here. What we have is special. Our heritage is one of faith and perseverance. We never back down from our beliefs and we always stand up for what’s right.

Our people, our faith, our strength, and our determination – that is our heritage.   Tennessee’s heritage should not be left in the past, it should live in our future.

It’s up to us to maintain the character of this great state and grow wisely.   Tennessee children deserve great schools and parents deserve a seat at the table. In this state, we reject the notion that where a person starts in life is where they must finish. No. It is through learning that children from all circumstances have a chance to realize their American Dream. At school, the door for opportunity is open to all. And, we have thousands of dedicated teachers who put in the extra time and do whatever it takes to deliver for their students in every classroom, every day. I love our Tennessee teachers and it’s why as Governor, I promise to appoint a Commissioner of Education who has Tennessee teaching experience.

In Tennessee, we need well-maintained and sufficient roadways. Roads aren’t cheap, they aren’t built quickly, and they are costly to maintain. We have to agree collectively that potholes and traffic jams are old news. As Governor, I will lead the effort to make all interstates in Tennessee at least eight lanes and to have four lane highways to every county seat. Better roads means a better way of life for all Tennesseans.

Tennesseans need accessible and quality healthcare – including mental healthcare. When emergencies occur, we don’t want lifesaving care to be out of reach. When a loved one is diagnosed with cancer, we don’t want them to have to travel several hours round trip to receive care. As Governor, I promise to do everything in my power to ensure no Tennessean is more than 30 minutes away from emergency medical care, and I will work tirelessly to make sure health care is available in every county in Tennessee. We want all Tennesseans to live long healthy lives and reduce unnecessary hardship for those individuals and families facing long-term illness.

If Tennessee is going to be as prosperous for the next 228 years as we have been for the first, we have to be a national leader for reliable and abundant energy. All energy sources must be on the table, but Tennessee can be a leader in nuclear power. As Governor, I promise that Tennessee will never see California brownouts and instead, we will charge forward in nuclear energy development. More energy will equal more jobs for this state.

Most of all, I am passionate about Tennesseans. I want to protect the innocent unborn by working with our conservative State Legislature in taking every measure possible to always protect life in Tennessee. I will work daily to support our vulnerable children with a responsive and capable Department of Children Services. And following in the footsteps of Governor Lee, I want to see Tennessee be a national leader when it comes to making adoption attainable for Tennessee families.

I will stand firm for the Second Amendment rights of every Tennessean by supporting the enactment of Constitutional Carry. Our Constitutional rights are given by God and secured by man. I promise to always keep and defend our Constitution.   When discussing possible solutions to our present challenges, I remain committed to doing things the Tennessee way – putting high value on the continuation of our rich heritage and placing emphasis on our limitless Tennessee future.

Washington D.C.’s values are not our values. We are fiercely independent and we plan to keep it that way. President Trump is shrinking the federal government and reducing bureaucracy, which gives power back to the states. We helped put President Trump back in office so that he would end the DC power trip. He’s getting the job done and as Governor, I’ll stand with him, just as I have since his first election in 2016.

Like President Trump, I got my start as an entrepreneur. An idea that was born with a fellow Vanderbilt Law School student, turned into a small business. We got our start in the Nashville Business Incubation Center and eventually moved into an office of our own along the Cumberland River in Nashville Metro Center. We worked day and night to sell our product – IT training software. There were three-day spans almost weekly when I would hardly nap as I burned the candle at both ends. My business partner did the same. Together, we made a successful business, right here in Tennessee.

You see, I know anything is achievable in Tennessee because I have lived it. Now, I am asking for the chance to help bring opportunity to all Tennesseans.

Our family will be visiting every Tennessee county several times over on this campaign. As we do so, we ask for your prayers, we ask for your ideas and input, and I ask for your vote for Governor of Tennessee.   Thank you!  

Photo: Lou Pitts Nave