The Cannon County Extension Interview Committee interviewed two candidates for the Cannon County 4-H/FCS position. The interview committee recommended Mrs. Shavon Ward to fill the position vacated by Carla Bush. As you are aware, Carla is now working in Rutherford County as the Adult Family Consumer Science Agent. The interview committee consisted of; Martin Daniel, Peggy Miller, Mark Barker, Glenn Steakley and Eloise Rains. Upon their recommendation, the Extension Agriculture Committee (Orville Lewis, Market Daniel, Richie Hunter, Mike Gannon, Glenn Steakley, Pat Simpson and Peggy Miller) approved the hiring of Mrs. Ward. Shavon exhibited her creativity skills and vison during the interview process. She is a graduate of MTSU with a Bachelor of Science Degree. Mrs. Ward, will begin on August 1st as the Family Consumer/4-H Agent in Cannon County.
Shavon has been wrapping up her duties at Tractor Supply Company where she has been working at the corporate office for the past six years. During the transition, she has been attending various Family Consumer Education Club events. In addition to attending the FCE County Council, she assisted with the FCE Cultural Arts event held at the Arts Center of Cannon County. Please make plans to drop by the Woodbury Lions Club anytime from 2 PM to 4 PM on August 13th to welcome Shavon to Cannon County. The Family and Consumer Education Clubs will provide refreshments