At some recent Cannon County Commissioners meetings, several commissioners voiced their opinions on people dumping trash and littering in the County. Sheriff Darrell Young responded by informing the Commissioners that when a trash bag is picked up off the road by a Sheriff’s Deputy, they look in the bag for possible identification of the offender. One man learned this the hard way recently. Last Friday Deputies was shown trash picked up off of Parchcorn Hollow Road in two bags and within the bags were multiple pieces of mail with the address removed and two cards with burn marks over the names and addresses. According to the Sheriff’s reports. a name could still be made out on one card. After looking up information it matched up Bobby Holden to a residence on Gassaway Road. Deputies went to Holden’s home and was met in the driveway with Holden stating that he expected the Sheriff’s Department to show up because someone had confronted him the day before about the trash and he spoke with another Deputy about this. Mr.Holden explained he had no idea how the trash was found on Parchcorn Hollow Road but that all of the trash wasn’t his. Deputies told Mr. Holden they were trying to prove that it was but the items with his name on them are considered his. As a result Mr. Holden was cited for littering and will answer to the charge May 5th at 9 in the morning.