Holiday Fundraising Nets Over $5,000 for Woodbury Lions Club

The Woodbury Lions Club’s efforts of fundraising during the holiday season was successful as the Lions netted almost $5500 through sales of nuts and the Christmas ornaments.  Lion member Clyde Bush who is the co chairman of the nut sales commitee, reports that this year’s sales netted $3809 of total sales of $16,539.  The cost of the nuts this year was $13,027.00. Each year the Cannon County High School Lioness club takes a portion of the nut order at cost and sell them as a fundraiser for that club. They netted $207 which is included in the totals.  
The nuts were distributed from committee co chair Lion Mark Vance’s place of business where the semi delivery truck unloaded them in November.  The quality of the nuts are consistently superior to most found on the market at that time of the year.  Pecan halves in resealable bags are the most popular item the club sells.  Giant cashews, english walnuts and a high quality dried fruit and nut mix round out the items that many people wait for every year.  
The 2014 edition of Christmas ornaments, Colonial Shirt Factory is completely sold out.  Total sales of the ornaments came out to $3697 with a net profit of $1669.00.  Lion Cliff Swoape reported that several ornaments of previous years are still available except for the Adams Memorial Library.  The ornaments have become collector items and are in great demand