Help United Way, St Thomas, MTEMC Refurbish Woodbury and Auburntown Playgrounds Friday

St Thomas Stones River Hospital is sponsoring United Way’s Hometown Huddle in Cannon County.    They will be restoring the playground at Woodbury Grammar School. If you are interested in helping please meet at the Woodbury Grammar School (big playground) at 9 a.m. this Friday morning (Sept 25th). A limited amount of tools will be available, but please bring yard rakes and gloves if you have them.
Come dressed to work and remember it can be a dirty job.   We will be mulching, painting and doing general cleanup at the big playground.
Please contact 615-563-7207 if you have any questions.
If you are unable to lend a hand that day, you can still help out with a monetary donation. Volunteers wil also be refurbishing school playgrounds Auburn Elementary 150 Vantrease Ave Auburntown starting at 7:30.  Their sponsor is Middle Tennessee Electric Membership Corporation.  If you are interested in helping the Auburntown group please call the Auburn School