The ice storm this past weekend caused massive damage, particularly on the Cumberland Plateau. It is hard for many of us to imagine, but people are having trouble getting basic necessities. Cumberland, Putnam and White Counties were especially hard hit. To help their neighbors, Middle Tennessee Natural Gas Company is accepting donations to be gathered and transported to those in need. You can drop off your donations to the Middle Tennessee Natural Gas Offices in Dayton, Gordonsville, McMinnville, Smithville and Woodbury. Middle Tennessee Natural Gas will accept donations from now until 3 Friday. Middle Tennessee Natural Gas Volunteers will head up to the affected areas to deliver food and other donated items as well as to offer assistance in getting life back to normal in the area. Any help is greatly appreciated. Items needed are paper products, sugar-free foods, pop top canned food, baby food, garbage bags, new blankets, flashlights, batteries, toiletries, socks, toboggans, small gas cans, baby wipes, hand sanitizer, pop tarts, peanut butter crackers, juice boxes, adult and baby diapers. Locally you can drop off any of those items at the Woodbury Middle Tennessee Natural Gas Office 614 West Main Street In Woodbury