Governor Declares May “Put Investors First Month”

Governor Bill Haslam has proclaimed May 2015 “Putting Investors First” Month as a way to recognize the importance the investment profession as foundation of a strong and growing state economy. The proclamation acknowledges the Chartered Financial Analysts (CFA) Societies in Tennessee for their commitment to excellence in the investment profession and for being champions for ethical behavior in investment markets. The CFA Society of Nashville is the leading association of local investment professionals.  Their mission is to enable members to be leaders in the middle Tennessee investment community by promoting the value of the CFA designation and facilitating the exchange of ideas and resources among members and with the public.
“Putting Investors First” Month is the beginning of the campaign by the CFA Society of Nashville to celebrate the independent member society’s 50 years in the city, culminating with the Future of Finance Celebration to be held in July. The theme of the celebration will be to highlight the importance of professionals and regulators working together to protect the interests of the individual investor.  As part of the celebration, the Society will be raising donations to support two important financial literacy organizations in Tennessee: Rock the Street, Wall Street™ and the Tennessee Financial Literacy Commission.
Rock The Street, Wall Street™ promotes careers in finance to high school girls. The Tennessee Financial Literacy Commission is a program of the Tennessee Treasury Department with a mission to equip Tennesseans with the knowledge to make sound financial decisions. These two organizations are focused on raising the next generation to be educated and informed investors.
“The CFA Society is working expand the future of financial professionals in Tennessee,” says Treasurer David H. Lillard, Jr. “Tennessee Treasury Department wants to hire the best and the brightest investors,” and we are proud to employ Chartered Financial Analysts in our Investment Division. We are always seeking CFAs to be a part of our team.”
For more interest in the CFA Society of Nashville, visit