The Arts Center of Cannon County is proud to present GHOST: THE MUSICAL, August 7 – 22, 2015 Friday and Saturdays at 7:30pm; Sundays at 2pm and tickets are $15 with discounts for seniors, students and groups.Much like its cinematic counterpart, GHOST: THE MUSICAL is built on a foundation of romance, mystery, and mayhem. Sam and Molly are the perfect New York couple: he’s in finance, she’s an artist, and they’re both head-over-heels for each other. And then, while out on the town, the couple is mugged and, in the struggle, Sam is killed. There’s no spoiler alert, here, people. Even if you haven’t seen the movie, it’s not called GHOST because there isn’t a ghost in it. Sam finds himself trapped between two worlds, living and unliving, and learning the new rules of existence. Guided by a spiritual medium, Sam realizes that all is not what it seemed, and he’s forced to unravel the mystery behind the most confusing event of his life: his own death.
GHOST is sponsored by First Bank and directed by Scarlett Turney with music direction by Tiffany Sweeley, choreography by Matthew Hunter and produced by Sherri Garrett. The cast features John Goodwin as Sam, Brittany Goodwin as Molly, Cavender Lane as Carl, Jessica Hunter as Oda Mae, Michael McGee as hospital ghost, Gerald Oliver as subway ghost, Scott Shamborough ad Willy, Kellie Cunningham as Clara, and Emily Dennis as Louise. The ensemble includes, Josh Miller, Haley Ray, Rachel Cole, Riley Rollins, Jenni Lee Merritt, Rufus Walsh, Savannah Gannon, and Kinley Rae Hughes. This production is appropriate for ages 10 and up. Tickets are $15 with discounts available for students and seniors and can be purchased by calling (615) 563-2787 Tuesday through Saturday 10AM-4PM or online at and (subject to availability) at the door one hour prior to show time.
The Arts Center is located on 1424 John Bragg Highway, just west of the town of Woodbury, approximately 20 minutes from Murfreesboro, Manchester, and McMinnville and one hour southeast of Nashville. Office hours are 10:00a.m. to 4:00p.m., Tuesday through Saturday. For more information call 615-563-(ARTS) 2787 or you may purchase tickets online at your convenience at