Probably one of the most shortest court dockets ever for a General Sessions Court day in Cannon County has 7 people appearing before Judge Susan Melton to answer to a total of 19 charges. Those with multiple charges or DUI offenses include Raymond Alexander Haines-DUI 2nd Offense, Public Intoxication, Aggravated Criminal Trespass, Aggravated Burglary, and Vandalism up to $500
Troy Eugene Martin-DUI 1st offense 2 counts, implied consent, Financial Responsibility
Ernest Brian Osment-DUI 1st Offense
Pattye A. Scott-DUI by allowance
Rickey Scott-DUI 1st Offense, Simple Possession, Unlawful Possession Of A Weapon, Possession of Handgun While Under Influence, Simple Possession and attempted simple possession casual exchange
Joshua Paul Smith Aggravated Assault Two counts