State officials have outlined a list of changes that must be made in order for Cannon County to continue using the Adams office building. Should the order of removal be enforced the Cannon County Board of Education, Cannon County Election Commission, local probation office, Adult Education, Upper Cumberland Human Resource Agency and Court Appointed Special Advocate are among the offices that will need to find a new home.
The information was revealed at a special workshop called by Cannon County Board of Education Chairman Javan Fann. Four of the board’s five members were in attendance. Since the building is owned by Cannon County, Fann invited members of the Cannon County Commission and County Executive Brent Bush. Bush was named as the responsible party in the order from the state. Commissioners Corey Davenport, Ronnie Mahaffey and Russell Reed attended. Bush was absent.
Chairman Fann reviewed the history of the building’s past inspections from the State’s Fire Marshall office. Sixteen inspections were reviewed, plans of corrective action were sent to the state and no repairs resulted over a seven year period. A meeting with state officials in April of this year was the first meeting that Director of Schools William Curtis was made aware of the issues. The building is property of the county and any action would have to be ordered by the office of county executive.
State Fire Marshall Inspector Jimmie Teal (who conducted the inspections) addressed the audience at the meeting. Teal stated that addressing three main issues in the building could result in the removal of the “order.” The three main areas are:
The building’s sprinkler system.
The building’s alarm system.
The removal of cane fiber ceiling titles.
As the discussion of attendees reveled the tasks could be corrected without an excessive outlay of expense. Director of Schools William F. Curtis stated that the Board of Education would welcome a discussion with the County Executive on developing a plan to correct the outstanding issues on the building.
Board of Education members voiced their displeasure with the idea of the Central Office being relocated to another county building or renting property for office space. Most in attendance agteed that bringing the Adams building into compliance is the best solution.
The clock is ticking with the state. A completion date of May 2020 is listed by the Order.
WBRY News will continue to monitor the progress and keep you up to date on any progress.