The Woodbury Mayor and Board Of Aldermen filled the vacancy of City Attorney by voting to hire in the law firm of Mitchell and Mitchell. There are 9 lawyers currently with the firm. They have an office in Woodbury. The law firm replaces Dale Peterson who was disbarred for five years after being found guilty to theft back in November. Peterson hasn’t completely vanished from the Cannon County community as it was reported to the Aldermen that Peterson who also heads up the 4th of July Town celebration recently met with Harold Patrick and wanted to continue to bring the event to Woodbury. However Peterson stated that he needed to be paid for his services and the amount he ‘s charge just to be in charge of the event was $2500. The Aldermen deferred the matter for consideration. In other actions the aldermen adopted the ordinance 467 which was an ordinance to remove any residency requirements of the position of town judge.