Final Cruise In Results

The final cruise-in of 2015 was held on October 10 as scheduled, following the Color of Fall Car Show, as the car show participants were leaving, cruisers were arriving on the square in Woodbury. The winner of the cruiser of the month award sponsored by Jennings Jewelers went to Alan Jakes driving a 1971 Chevy Chevelle SS custom made. DTC  sponsored a 32 inch TV and the lucky winner was Windol Tate, Mr. Wilcher won the quilt sponsored by Iron Pig Antique’s and a large number of toys were donated which will be used for the Cannon County Angel Tree Program at Christmas time. Thank you to
the Cannon County Cruise-in committee, The Cannon Courier, WBRY Radio, The Chamber of Commerce, Iron Pig Antiques, Jennings Jewelers, DTC, Purrfectly Pawlished Pet Salon, O’Reilly Auto Parts, The Blue Porch Restaurant, Freeze Racing, Auto Zone, S & S Auto Parts, Boyd’s Garage and The Cruisers for a great season, we hope to see you next year.